—SOMA artisan profile—
山本 耕平 Kohei Yamamoto(CEO)
一級建築士 一級技能士
First class licensed carpenter, architect
While attending trade school specializing in wooden crafts Kohei was introduced to and fell in love with hand tools. He delved deeply into the furniture arts but at the advice of his professor took a job as a Japanese Temple and Shrine carpenter. For 8 years he worked on some of the most famous temples and shrines in Japan including Important Cultural Heritage sites such as the Great Shrine at Izumo. Seeing and working on buildings like these that had stood the test of time he was interested in why present day homes weren’t considered with as much thought when building. He also fell in love with the mark that carpenters had left using traditional methods of sawing, milling, and finishing in the past.
In 2012 he was given the opportunity to take on a project building a new home in Fukuyama city. He accepted it and built one of the first traditional Ishibatate homes (see Structure) in the area since prior to WWII. Finishes included everything from finely planed to adze and axe finishes used in rough milling. This began his company Soma.ko.sha. The character for Soma (杣) means traditional sawing/milling. The character for Ko (耕) means to cultivate. The final character is a typical character meaning company

ストーレンマイヤージョナサン Jonathan Stollenmeyer(Co-CEO)
From 2003-2004 Jonathan worked in 2 separate architectural offices through a cooperative study program. Graduating the University of Cincinnati DAAP architecture program in 2005, he immediately traveled to Japan to experience first hand some of the buildings that had moved him in his study at university. With a strong belief that first hand experience is the most important thing to understanding space he began his architectural career by trying to find an apprenticeship in woodworking in the United States. He found himself working at Traditional Boatworks in New Hampshire, learning a craft and building from start to finish a traditional Norwegian Snekke. This truly inspired him to want to understand crafts more. With the collapse of the economy in the US and the world abroad, he took some time to travel again and experience some of the great architects work in Mexico (Luis Barragan) and Switzerland (Peter Zumthor) among others. Coming back to the states he worked freelance in architecture doing large-scale apartments/condominiums in downtown Cincinnati, and wrote a short book about his travels for design friends. In 2007 he moved to a Zen monastery in the woods of Kentucky. For more than a year he spent his days in zazen meditation and working for that community. In late 2008 he left the monastery to travel and see architecture again, this time going to Scandinavia followed by renting space in Argentina for several months. Working odd jobs after returning back to the states he realized that he wanted to be working with his hands and not in an architectural office. In the fall of 2009 he makes his way back to Japan to take a course in Japanese and pursue the dream of working with Japanese carpenters in their trade. Through the mentorship and introduction of his tea-ceremony teacher he begins work with Nakamura Sotoji Komuten in the fall of the following year. This company of carpenters is doing projects within Japan and abroad in the ‘Sukiya’ or teahouse style. In 2013, despite his love for the work that Nakamura is doing, he gets the opportunity to see Kohei Yamamoto’s work in Okayama Prefecture and the building’s Ishibatate carpentry style astounds him (see Structure). At the end of his contract with Nakamura he gets approval from the firm to leave and study elsewhere. In November of 2013 he begins work at Soma.ko.sha learning the Ishibatate framing style under the tutelage of Mr. Yamamoto.


THE future OF Tradition
We believe that true beauty lies at the intersection of people and architecture. With a refined sense of elegance that balances functionality and aesthetics, we design and craft spaces to infuse moments of delight into the everyday lives of those who dwell within them.
A home is more than just a shelter. The warm and meticulous craftsmanship of Soma Daiku transforms not only the space but also the grace of its inhabitants, elevating their daily lives to something more beautiful.
Harmony in living—with homes built from natural materials, you grow closer to the space, forming a bond unique to the experience of living in a house crafted by Soma Daiku.
Our work is often described as “skills worth preserving for the next generation.” Yet, for us, it’s not about a sense of obligation. We continue because we genuinely enjoy the craft. This passion draws like-minded individuals together, who hone their skills and pass them on simply because it’s fulfilling. Through this collective joy, we believe we are naturally creating the traditions of the future—one step, one day, one home at a time.
Entering the mountains and engaging in dialogue with the trees, Soma Daiku craftsmen carefully bring out the unique character of each piece of wood through meticulous hand-carving. They oversee every aspect of the process, from design to construction, ensuring harmony between nature and craftsmanship.
Harnessing traditional construction techniques refined over more than a millennium, they interpret the natural beauty of the wood and apply it with precision and purpose. This expertise results in structures that are not only strong and durable but also exquisitely crafted.
Buildings constructed using the Ishiba Tate method, where the foundation stones and wooden base are not fixed together, boast excellent ventilation and high resistance to decay. These homes breathe and evolve over time, growing healthier as they age.

Our meticulous and elegant craftsmanship is built upon the refined techniques honed through traditional architecture. Beyond possessing advanced skills and extensive knowledge, our work is distinguished by a keen, polished sensibility that has earned the trust of many. This reputation has spread among homeowners and architects alike, establishing us as a recognized name within the industry.
The carefully finished materials and precise joints, though understated, undeniably elevate the quality and dignity of the structures we create. The striking beauty of a Kinwanegi repair on a damaged pillar has even led to instances where clients reconfigured their kitchen layout to showcase the joint rather than conceal it. Such compliments are not uncommon and serve as a testament to the artistry we bring to our work. It is as though the building itself tells a story of beauty, shared with those who dwell within its spaces.


In the hands of Soma Daiku, even the marks of restoration are transformed into captivating features of a home. Traditional construction methods not only bring strength and beauty to a structure but also offer a deep sense of reassurance, perfectly suited to Japan’s unique environment.
Once considered a luxury, techniques like Ishiba Tate have been thoughtfully adapted to harmonize with modern homes, making them more accessible than ever. This fusion of tradition and innovation creates spaces that are not only visually stunning but also deeply attuned to everyday life, delivering lasting value for generations to come.
社名 | 杣耕社 |
事業内容 | 伐採、製材 総合建築、企画設計、建築設計管理業務(注文住宅・店舗)、施工 建替、増改築、リフォーム |
代表取締役 | 山本 耕平 Jonathan Stollenmeyer |
所在地 | 〒709-2136 岡山県岡山市北区御津紙工2773 |
TEL | 0868-97-4426 |
設立年月日 | 2012年 |
建設業者許可番号 | 岡山県知事許可(般 - 5)第26740号 |